A month in Paris... A Mystery Walk

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. ~ Robert Frost

We are house sitting in La Celle Saint Cloud France, minding the gorgeous doggie Hudson, in this photo. It was time for Hudson's walk, and as we had already walked a lot of the same pathways, we decided to take a new road through the forest.

The forests here are cool and fascinating to walk in.

Kevin had spotted a woodsman piling up pieces of wood...

and it was fascinating to see pathways and shapes created by wood along our way.

To wander out from the trees into the beauty of the neighbourhood is a visual feast. I loved this gorgeous house and the colour the shutters were painted... just like something out of a fairy tale

The houses here are so fascinating, the creativity and little unexpected touches here and there.

We've been keeping a close watch in the forest in case of wild boar. Hudson's family told us he had been attacked when in the forest once. Poor darling, how terrifying would that have been?

The mystery journey begins... why hello there...

So we did... there were a lot!

Then little arrows appeared to show us the way...

and soon we were giggling and following the signs.

A good reminder for each day... so we did.

What a delight someone had created.

The signs continued and we continued to follow...

We give up have no idea! But we're having fun finding out...

So we did... but couldn't see anything

Yes we did hopscotch - no I don't have the photos

Yes we did say our names 3x

"Creativity of the uncommon mind... the common mind is one that can't see anything it can't touch. Glasses, shirt, braces, that's the common mind - the uncommon mind creates things that have never been seen before. That's the key. That's the whole essence of creativity right there." from the Harvard iLab Increasing your Creative Capacity.

I wondered who had created this lovely little walk for, well I imagined children, it certainly brought out my inner child. And, if you who created this, happens to read this post, thank you - what a delight and what lucky children you have!

Our little guided chalk adventure seemed to come to an end...

and it was starting to get late, so with happy hearts, we wandered back to the forest...

and into another mystery - a haunted mansion.

Oh OK maybe it's not haunted, but I challenge you to stand in that forest in the dimming light and tell another story, queue the music from Ghost Busters.

I rest my case! I will have to go and look up Maison Forestiere du Butard - I think there's a story or 3 here.

May mystery and fun show up in your day today...

Oh and don't forget to stop and smell the flowers.