Minding Muggles at Glebe

We're minding Muggles for the weekend and she is so gorgeous. Muggles is very chatty and loves cuddles and likes a play. She is Tonkinese. We had lots of lovely cuddles last night and a few little head butts. She slept on the end of the bed for a lot of the night after a long bed time cuddle.

Message from Muggles:

Hi family, I'm taking good care of the sitters, making sure that they feel loved. I sent them off to Timbah for snacks - they loved it so much they stayed for dinner they said. When they got home, I gave them a lot of cuddles so that they didn't feel lonely.

They seemed to want to play so I kept them busy for a while. After that I was ready for a sit on the lounge, a good pedicure and a watch of how The Block was faring.

Boy this sitter minding is tiring so we all went to bed early. I thought they might like an early morning snack so after keeping them company in bed I gave them a nose rub to see if they were awake and we all got up for a cuppa.

They enjoyed their cuppaa and said that seeing howz it was 3am we could probably all go back to bed again, (gee they are late risers these two!) But seeing howzz they are my guests I went along with them. Miss you...

Maarrrrrow for now.